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About Me

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My Network Marketing journey was not easy especially those years that I don’t know yet about the online marketing strategy. In short, we were more on offline marketing that time. I have to admit, I failed many things but I learned from it. When I was starting in Network Marketing, I have the BIGGEST dream in my life to become successful and help my family. But things weren’t easy especially if you are inviting the people that you know. They simply don’t wanna hear about your opportunity because they know you very well. IF you experienced that too, WELCOME ABOARD! I feel you! But never stop dreaming because it’s possible. I never stopped believing that success likes me because I like it very well. But the moment that rejections keep coming my way that time, It was killing my dreams slowly. I wished there is a way that I can attract prospect instead of chasing them. I am grateful that internet was discovered by man that makes it very beneficial to human life today. Even more beneficial if you are earning through the power of the internet.